THE Morecambe Bay Independent group on the council has decided on a course of action against Cllr Carol Broad in light of the furore over her controversial claims for babysitting allowances.

A recent decision by the newly-formed Standards Committee to censure Cllr Broad had been left exposed after it was found to be legally compromised. It was agreed that the MBI should deal with the matter internally and they have decreed that Cllr Broad will not be put forward to head any committees for the group in the future and that is regardless of whichever option of council is adopted by the authority.

Although the group conceded that she had not been guilty of any wrongdoing it was thought that, morally speaking, her actions were wrong.

Cllr Nick Westwell, who along with Cllr David Kerr resigned from the group over the affair, described the decision as "too little, too late".

Cllr Broad was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press.