YOUNG people in Edenfield are invited to a public meeting when adults will tell them just what community facilities are planned for the village.

On Monday from 6.30pm a meeting has been arranged at the community centre by Lancashire Youth and Community Service.

At the first consultation young people aged 11 to 16 said they wanted a shelter where they could gather and somewhere to meet that was safe and stopped them getting moved on. They also wanted ramps where they can practice biking tricks.

Steve Roman, from Lancashire Youth and Community Service said: "The county council has made some money available from its community safety funds to provide a facility for the young people of Edenfield.

"Youth workers have been talking to the teenagers abot what they would like but finding a suitable site is providing difficult. "The younger teenagers are being labelled because of the behaviour of the young men in cars who are creating a nuisance by playing loud music, doing hand-brake turns and throwing bottles."