I WRITE in full support of Colin Gilmour's letter (June 15) regarding the overdue re-opening of paths on Holcombe Moor.

Recently I visited the south west of Anglesey where several foot and mouth outbreaks occurred. I was not expecting to walk some of my favourite paths but I was quite wrong and this was prior to the MAFF advice of May 23. Even then I was able to walk freely almost everywhere I chose.

Compare that with the situation at Holcombe and it is easy to see that factors other than foot and mouth regulations must have come into play.

We would do well to remember that it is only a few years ago that many people fought hard to retain free and open access to Holcombe Moor when the MoD had plans to introduce severe limitations over large areas. At that time the voice of local people prevailed and we continued to enjoy the freedom of the moors. It would be interesting now to know just who is causing the moorland closure to be maintained. As in other areas perhaps our local MP would care to bring his influence to bear and have the moorland re-opened without further delay.

Foot and mouth is a scourge, we all know that. We are in a "clean" area with no outbreaks to date and the situation is now much clearer than it was. It is time for some moorland paths to be re-opened.

The Bury Times of June 15 presents an excellent two-page spread on the tourist delights of my home town, yet with Holcombe Moor remaining closed some continue to pay a high price for what is undue delay.


Butler Street,
