GLADYS Robinson's attempt at trying to blame the recent riots in Burnley and Oldham on asylum seekers (Letters, June 29) was ridiculous.

The fact remains that a few thousand people voted for the British National Party. Many may even have fought in the last war against Nazism without thinking fully what they were doing.

It is no coincidence that trouble has come about in areas where the BNP stood candidates. I am afraid that asylum seekers played no part in the troubles -- much to Mrs Robinson's annoyance.

However, what makes her view even worse is its contradictory nature. On the one hand, she tries to speak for everyone by saying we do not want a multi-cultural society (who elected her to say this on our behalf?) But then only refers to bogus asylum seekers, probably in the realisation that if she says she does not want anyone of a culture which is not Anglo-Saxon, she is echoing views no different to those of Adolf Hitler, who only wanted people of Aryan origin.

ANDY HARGREAVES, Anchor Avenue, Darwen.