IT is reported that up to 50 per cent of the UK's population will not be recorded in the Census. Many failed to return the form; others will have been lost in the post.

Forget the effect it will have on the accuracy of the Census, what if some of these forms were to end up in the hands of criminals? They would have all the information, names and number of occupants, sex, age, place of work, etc, that a variety of criminals could ever want!

A quick phone call to your place of work, claiming to be from the Census office, and a burglar would know your home is unoccupied. He already knows your name and that you live alone, courtesy of the Census form. He could burgle you at his leisure. Imagine the potential danger to a woman living alone.

Previously census forms were delivered and collected by hand, to avoid the risk of their being lost in the post. By changing to a system of "postal return", vulnerable members of the public have been put at risk.

T. R. MILES (Mr)