CHORLEY and South Ribble NHS Trust and the Preston Acute Hospitals NHS Trust are to merge from next April.

The news was announced in a joint statement from Brian Booth, chairman of Preston Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and Jim Breakell, acting chairman of Chorley and South Ribble NHS Trust.

It said: "Since the trusts unified their clinical management arrangements three years ago we have developed an organisation offering the full range of acute service to the people of Central Lancashire, together with specialist acute services for the wider populations of Lancashire and South Cumbria.

"As one trust our vision for the future is to build on these strong foundations and to lead healthcare from two high quality, modern teaching hospitals, the Royal Preston Hospital and the Chorley and South Ribble Hospital.

"Initially the trust would also be responsible for Sharoe Green Hospital, but capital has been secured to relocate the services at Sharoe Green on to the Royal Preston site by the end of 2003.

"The proposed merger of the trusts will not involve any reduction in our services or in the number of people we employ.

"Indeed, it is intended that there will be new opportunities for further expansion to take place.

"The trust boards believe a merger will strengthen our existing position and assist us to deliver the agenda of modernisation and improvement demanded by the NHS Plan to the benefit of both patients and staff."

The proposal is subject to the outcome of public consultation.