IT is Amnesty International's 40th anniversary year and to mark this we are running our worldwide campaign to "Stamp Out Torture". A local survey by the Lytham St Annes Group revealed that most people underestimate the prevalence of torture in suppressing dissent from those of different creed, colour or lifestyle. We also held a public meeting in Lytham Assembly Rooms addressed by Tony Edwards, Amnesty's Asian co-ordinator, supported by two Iranian refugees who were victims of torture and we were shocked to learn that torture is still used in two thirds of the world.

Amnesty International has called on governments to prevent torture and to challenge discrimination. We ask the people of Lytham St Annes to add their voice to ours to say that torture and discrimination are always wrong. They could write directly to the Prime Minister asking him to put pressure on the relevant governments. Alternatively special cards can be obtained from some churches or from AIUK at 99-119 Rosebury Avenue, London, EC1R 4RE for a small charge.

Margaret Spillane, Maureen Ball, John Turner, Audrey Thompson, Brid Jos, Amnesty International, Lytham St Annes.