LEIGH'S new piece of commissioned art, The Leigh Spindle, was revealed to the public on Monday.

The 5m sculpture, which cost £30,000, was paid for by Coalfield Challenge as a testimony to Leigh's past, present and future.

It is an impressive piece of work - when you eventually spot it.

The sculpture, outside the PDSA shop in Bradshawgate, is virtually overshadowed by a matching lamp post.

I walked past it twice without noticing it was there.

But I do like it, even though passers-by were describing it as like a Dalek with a mast and a May pole.

Shoppers' feelings were mixed, as expected. Some appreciated it, others felt the money could have been better spent, as usual, and many wondered how long it would be before the vandals set to work on it and the drunks puke all over it.

That's the $64,000 question, but I do hope they leave this new gateway to Leigh alone.

However, I do think it could have been situated in a more prominent position to make the best of it.