TWO talented teenagers have reached the final of a national art competition.

Graham Canny, 15 from Chorley, and Philip Holmes, 13, from Eccleston, have been selected by Barclayzs Bank and the National Autistic Association in their Christmas card competition.

The challenge was for children nationwide to design a Christmas card which will be used by the bank as their official card this year.

All were designed to be suitable for autism sufferers who find it difficult to follow a complicated pattern.

The two local finalists, from Southlands School in Clover Lane, Chorley, will attend a special ceremony in London later this year, where the overall winner will be chosen.

Susan Scurlock, graphics teacher at Southlands, said: "The boys' designs were carefully planned and tailored to suit the needs of autistic children. They are delighted to have won their way through to the final judging."