RESIDENTS in the Halstead Lane area of Barrowford are campaigning for traffic calming measures outside their homes.

Villagers have supported a petition calling for action to be taken to make the lane outside their houses safer.

A report on a meeting between residents and councillors will be give to the Barrowford and Western Parishes Committee on Thursday.

Local Coun Allan Vickerman reported that the meeting had been called to find out what measures the residents wanted to be introduced.

At the meeting, Coun Linda Crossley said that doors on most houses in the area opened directly on to the road making it dangerous for pedestrians from speeding traffic.

She said she supported some form of traffic calming measures from top to bottom of Halstead Lane and taking in the streets leading off it.

Pendle Council's principal engineer Colin Badminton said a 20mph zone could not be introduced without other measures being implemented as well.

He felt the only option available to slow traffic in Halstead Lane was speed humps although there could be noise problems when large vehicles went over them.

He said Lancashire County Council would not fund road humps as Halstead Lane didn't have a high enough traffic flow and there hadn't been any accidents.

The cost would be in the region of £3,500. Approval would be needed both from police and county council following consultations with individual households.

Concern was expressed about getting large farm vehicles up the road because of double parking.

Residents were split both for and against humps. A vote was nine in favour and eight against.

All residents are to sent a sketched suggested scheme with a reply slip. The results will be reported to the committee.