JAZZ lovers are in for a treat at the first St Catherine's Hospice Jazz festival next month.

It will run from Friday, September 14, to Sunday, September 16, at Fox Lane Cricket Club, Leyland.

Hospice spokesman Jacky Sutton, said: "This is the first jazz festival St Catherine's has run, so we are all very excited and looking forward to it.

"If the festival turns out to be successful, then we are looking at making it an annual thing. All the bands appearing are well knownso there should be something for all tastes."

The first night of the festival features big band music from 7.30pm to 11pm. Dougie Drake Jazz Fusion and Sounds 18 are lined up to play.

Highlights of Saturday are the Sykes/Joseph Latin Combo, joined by local musicians from 1pm to 4pm, and internationally-acclaimed pianist Steve Melling, accompanied by the Lancashire students jazz orchestra, from 7.30pm to 11pm.

Rounding off the festival will be the Swing Shift Big Band and the Hot Club Band, from 1pm to 4pm on Sunday. At 7.30pm to 11pm the event will feature saxophonist Alan Barnes, with the John Hallam Jazztet and guests.

For full details and bookings call 01772-324540.