MY name is Kevin Blackburn. I was born as Kevin Fenton in Blackpool Glenroyd Maternity Hospital on Friday, April 14, 1967, at approximately 9.55 in the morning.

I would like to try and trace anyone who knows me from when I was a foster child from 1967-1971 as I wish to find out more about my early childhood. I have some memories of my childhood and I would like to trace Mr Jack Whiston and Mrs Minor Whiston who lived at 18 Stamford Avenue, Blackpool, where I was placed into foster care. They were my foster parents by private arrangement with my mother before I was adopted and moved to Huddersfield.

After my adoption I remember going to see Minor Whiston on regular occasions up until about 1979. Mrs Whiston used to work in the "Purple Penny", an arcade up at the north shore of Blackpool near the Tower. Mr Jack Whiston used to work at Leyland Truck and Bus Division at Leyland as a fitter.

Also I think I met the Whiston family on many occasions too. I remember two children called Anne Marie who had strawberry blonde hair and was the eldest sister and Patricia, who I think died in a fire at a family-owned cafe as a result of using matches. However, I could be wrong.

My understanding about my parents was that my mother was called Barbara Fenton, born November 7, 1939, and when I was born she lived at 312 Radcliff Road, Fleetwood, with her parents. Her father owned a wood company in Fleetwood. My mother had something to do with local government but in what capacity I do not know. My father was called Edward McLaughlin, born November 5, 1940, and lived at 7 Henson Avenue, Blackpool, when I was taken into care. At that time he worked for Murphy Construction and his parents owned a farm in Donegal, Ireland.

Huddersfield County Court adopted me on April 27, 1971, and I have lived in the Huddersfield area of West Yorkshire since.

The reason that I am now actively looking for my natural and foster parents is that I now have children and my adopted parents have since died. I would like to find out my history and understand my background and what my true identity is.

I do understand how sensitive this request can be and was advised back in 1996 that this would not be an easy quest because of old memories for my parents.

However, I was told that my mother kept in regular contact with me until my adoption in 1972.

Kevin Blackburn, 63 Robsons Drive, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire Tel: 01484 315832.