I WAS more than a little disturbed by your report (LET, August 3) regarding the stock condition survey of Ribble Valley Council's housing.

The figures were, of course, correct, coming from the papers circulated to the housing committee, but your report came over with strongly negative overtones, which was, to say the least, very unfair.

Representatives from the consultants who did the survey attended the housing meeting to amplify their findings. They were very complimentary and were loud in their praise of officers of the council, members of the housing committee and, most of all, of the authoirity's tenants, who, in their opinion, were 'excellent.'

We are proud of our housing in the Ribble Valley and know that it compares well with that of neighbouring councils. Our tenants have repeatedly declined to consider transfer to another landlord and are pleased with the way their homes have been maintained and improved.

This is not my view, but is the opinion of the tenants themselves, as confirmed recently by the government's country-wide 'status' survey, which compares all local authority tenants' responses on a standard basis.

COUN CHARLES WARKMAN, Chairman, Housing Committee, Ribble Valley Council.