MUSICAL youth in Prestwich are hitting the high note this summer with a new music club.

Based at the Phoenix Centre in St Mary's Park, the Keynotes Summer Music Club is open to all youngsters under the age of 11 with an interest in music.

No instrument or experience is needed as all equipment is provided.

But for those who do have their own musical instrument the club can be used as a drop-in facility for extra practice and a chance to perform as a group.

Activities include singing, dancing, competitions and musical performances with the emphasis on fun!

Organiser Susan Fitzpatrick, a qualified music teacher, said: "The idea is to promote an awareness of music in all forms, which includes having lots of fun. It will be very informal and all the children need is an interest in music."

Sessions started last week and are held every Thursday from 2pm to 4.30pm until August 30. Admission is £5.50 per session.

For details contact Mrs Fitzpatrick on 705 1272.