THE future looks bright for bus travel in Bury.

For bus operators and Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority (GMPTA) have jointly launched a new document setting out their aims for another step towards providing the best possible bus services to local people.

The bus companies, the authority and the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive (GMPTE) have already signed a quality partnership agreement which aims to give:

Up-to-date and accurate information about bus services.

Better waiting facilities at bus shelters, stations and stops.

Improved bus services.

Better connections between buses and other forms of transport. Now, this partnership is also delivering a "bus passengers' charter" which invites commuters to say what they think about local services as well as bus stops, shelters, stations, Travelshops and information services.

The cha rter also gives full details of who passengers should contact, and how to contact them, if they are not satisfied with the service they receive.

"A new customer comment card has also been produced to make this as easy as possible.

Councillor Winston Ramsey, the authority's spokesman for Bury, said: "The charter will ensure that Bury residents know exactly what to expect from local bus services, who to contact with their comments and complaints and what service they can expect if they make a comment or complaint."

The customer charter and customer comment cards are now available from Travelshops, libraries, local information centres, bus operators and on buses or by telephoning 273 7454 and asking for a copy to be sent out.