TEMPORARY traffic lights will be in operation at the junction of Preston New Road and Revidge Road during the next two months as part of road improvements in the area.

Alan Niemeyer, assistant engineer for Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council which is doing the work, said: "The work taking place at this junction forms part of a major highway maintenance scheme in Preston New Road from its junction with Saunders Road to Yew Tree Drive.

"The work, costing around £500,000, is being funded from the Council's Local Transport Plan fund and constitutes a massive investment in the borough's highway infrastructure.

"It includes renewing the existing kerbs and footways, resurfacing the carriageway together with drainage improvement works and the rebuilding of a short length of highway retaining wall.

"In order to complete these major works, while at the same time allowing traffic to use the affected roads, it is envisaged that two-way temporary traffic lights will be used outside peak times where necessary during the week.

"And that four-way lights will be needed on Sundays from August 19 through to October 7. When used on Sundays, the temporary four-way lights will be used between 9am and 4.30pm."