IN reply to M J Turner (Letters, August 2), I wish to ask, where is your common sense regarding the EU? Norway and Switzerland voted to stay out but the two countries still trade with European countries and don't have to pay the billions for membership or adhere to the stupid directives that we have to do.

When world trade tariffs fall further and our EU membership rises again, the case for leaving the EU is there for all to see. We cannot afford to be the "paymaster" for other countries when our own people and public services (ie NHS, crime, extra police, schools, teachers, nurses, OAPS) need desperate help with money.

Take a look at the NHS. If you suffer from multiple sclerosis the provision of drugs to stabilize this terrible disease is to be strictly limited because the NHS cannot afford to pay for the treatment.

No government can afford to prop up other countries when we have so much poverty in our own "backyard".

We in our beloved country are being made poorer to give other countries a superior way of life. This country has always paid the "full rate" and given so much -- it is about time we enjoyed the benefits.

The EU money should be tipped into Britain to improve our quality of life or, alternatively, get out of the EU and spend the billions we contribute into the public services other nations take for granted.

Jackie Anderton (Mrs),

Sherwood Place,
