A CAMPAIGN has been launched against plans for a mobile phone mast and equipment cabin at Lancaster Cricket Club.

Plans for a similar mast at the Franklyn Feeds site on the Lune industrial estate and the WH Smiths distribution centre on Willow Lane have already been overturned.

Local resident Pauline Smith, who is helping to organise the petition, says she has gathered 75 signatures from people on the Willows Estate in just a few days.

She added: "We have several concerns about the proposal. There is the health side. Even though there is no research that can say positively there are health risks at the moment, there might be in 20 years. We don't want to find out in future that we have been exposed to these risks.

"The physical appearance would be unsuitable and unfitting for this area. This area has improved immeasurably since the Willows estate was built. This could lead to a serious downturn and an increase in anti-social behaviour and nuisance."

Castle Ward Cllr Jon Barry said: "Many of the residents on the Willows estate are extremely worried about potential health problems caused by the mast.

"The recent Stuart Report warned of the dangers of siting masts near to schools and I want the council to take a precautionary approach here.

"I am also concerned that the mast will be too near any future developments that might take place behind the cricket club on the Forbo site."