I SHOULD declare some interest before I go on - by saying that whilst I'm not a member of the Green Party, I did canvas for John Sear in the County Council elections.

I've been increasingly concerned over recent months to see how much the "Greens" are being attacked in the local media - especially as it is often lazy, backbiting stuff: "Sandal wearing", "Lentil eaters" and other ridiculously stereotyped ideas. But then two thoughts occurred to me...

Firstly, on the doorstep, it was very easy to canvass for a Green Party candidate as many people have been impressed by the quality of service given by existing Green Party city councillors. As a result, a long-standing (20 years?) Labour sitting member was unseated. Mind you, many of his then constituents didn't even know his name - whereas everyone knew of John Sear -- even if they didn't agree with his views. So, even a few people who strongly disagreed with John's bypass views were still intending to vote for him.

It would seem that if people do a good job, appearing honest and committed - they will succeed as city/county councillors. The "Greens" have justifiably acquired this reputation and are therefore well placed to take more seats at the next elections.

Which leads onto the second, related point... could it be that the Labour Party, through its supporters, is encouraging attacks on the "Greens" as they see them as a major threat in forthcoming elections? (Let's face it, the MBI bubble has burst due to a 'broadside' or two (sorry, I couldn't resist) and the Tories are about to implode on a national level) The problem is , of course, that not everyone who writes to the local press declares membership of a political party. Oh yes, thirdly... Chris Hart could have chosen not to write with a Green Party 'hat' on - but he knows himself that this would be... ambivalent, at best. So he brought the party into modest disrepute. What happens? Both himself and Jon Barry (as local Green Party chairman) wrote an apology and a retraction. And it wasn't couched in terms of self-justification - it was simple and to the point. How often have we seen that in Lancaster over the last few years? So, given that an increased number of Green councillors will not lead to compulsory sandal eating or lentil wearing... or even a ban on cars (come on...!) - but more likely an improved level of local service, honesty and openness from the council and inclusive representation of us, the people... roll on the next local elections!

Paul Speight (via e-mail)

Strongly agree with your point about how the Greens responded to the legitimate criticism recently aimed at them locally -- a genuine and honest reaction like that is like a breath of fresh air compared to the years of self-serving evasion we've faced from a number of pompous, arrogant and, in some cases, overpaid oafs -- Ed.