WHETHER you are searching for a specialist model shop or a good range of camping equipment, wanting to hire a room, or find out what's going on for kids in the holidays, www.radcliffe.info will be the place to start.

Due to go live in late October, this new website is the outcome of a collaborative project between Radcliffe Area Board and ISaware, ICT advisors, based at Bury Town Hall.

An important first step was taken earlier this year with the launch of the Radcliffe Market Website at www.radcliffemarket.co.uk, which will form a central part of the much larger Radcliffe Website.

Radcliffe Area Board has embarked on a number of initiatives in partnership with local businesses and residents to secure the social, economic and environmental regeneration of Radcliffe. The development of the website is an important tool in helping to achieve this.

www.radcliffe.info will include sections on local heritage/history, business and development, shopping, education and learning, community and leisure matters, tourist information and transportation and location maps. There will also be several search facilities for various types of information in most of the sections, and latest news and information features for each section, which will be updated regularly.

As things are changing so fast in Radcliffe the website will also profile new developments, help to promote local businesses and publicise Radcliffe's wealth of community activity and festivities.