CHILDREN who visit the accident and emergency department at Burnley General Hospital in future are advised to make sure their ears are clean because nursing staff will be using their ears for taking their temperature.

The Children's Hospitals Appeal Trust has provided the department with five tympanic thermometers worth over £1,000.

Representatives will be visiting the hospital on Monday to speak to the staff who will be using them.

The thermometers have a small nozzle which is placed gently just inside the ear, providing an accurate digital read-out in seconds.

Suzanne Stolberg of the Appeal Trust said: "This means that children, particularly those who are upset or frightened, can be assessed without causing further distress."

Suzanne said the appeal trust was about to complete a £1 million upgrade of paediatric equipment in all 85 emergency ambulances in Greater Manchester.

Part of the project was provision of tympanic thermometers.

She added: "Paramedics told us how these thermometers help them in gaining vital information about the state of a child's health with minimum upset to the patient.

"We knew they would also be appreciated at Burnley General, where many babies and children are treated each year in the accident and emergency department."