DARWEN Library is to stage an exhibition of poetry by an up-and-coming local writer later this month.

Throughout the week surrounding National Poetry Day, October 4, an exhibition of work by Pam McKee will be on display in the foyer.

The collection will feature a dozen of Pam's poems, some of which will be set alongside photographs taken by her husband, Rob.

Also in the selection will be collaborative poems written by Pam's poetry writing partner Norman Warwick.

A member of Tottington Writers' Group, Pat lives on the moors at Hoddlesden and several of the poems and photographs reflect her love of natural beauty.

Pam said: "The idea of the exhibition is not only to promote my own work, but also, in the week of National Poetry Day, to give visitors to the library an opportunity to pause and gaze at some reflections of the landscape around us."

The collection is called Just Poems and the duo will be giving performances of their work throughout the week. Pam said: "With Rob's black and white photography to add context and with the performances Norman and I give including drama, poetry and even song there should be something for everyone. I hope people enjoy reading the poems as much as I enjoyed writing them." For further details of the exhibition, between September 29 and October 6, contact Darwen Library on 01254 706021.