A BLACKBURN nightclub has scored a real coup next weekend -- welcoming man-of-many-names Joey Negro onto its turntables.

Negro will be playing at Cubes in the town centre next Friday night.

It will be one of his first gigs since returning from Ibiza.

The star rarely plays in public and, unusually for a big name, doesn't have a residency.

But with more names than Fatboy Slim Norman Cook, he has built up a reputation for being something of a club master.

He used the name Jakatta to release American Dream, the dance track which sampled the music from American Beauty.

He last appeared in the area in April to perform at Todmorden's Out In The Sticks.

Management at Cubes are expecting a sell-out and tickets, if bought in advance, are £8.

Negro is expected to do a full four hour set.

For more details, ring 0794 6009244, 07764 204030 or 078665 84355.