AT a recent meeting with my local councillor, Eileen Entwistle, I was told that Sudell Ward was the most deprived area in Darwen.

This was also confirmed in a letter I received from Councillor David Smith two months ago in which he explained to me that there was no money available to improve the street lighting in my area though he also said the Olive Lane and Sudell area was also classified as a crime hot spot.

He added that if any grants became available, he would press for this area to gain them.

But on September 26 I was walking down Mincing Lane on to Darwen Street in Blackburn and noticed that all the old lamp standards have been replaced by somewhat larger ones and a security camera was installed opposite the Never Never Land nightclub.

The old lamp standards which were being removed, make the street lights on Olive Lane look like a set of fairy lights. Considering that some are more than 130 yards apart it is no wonder that houses and also cars are frequently broken into.

In view of Sudell and Olive Lane being crime hot spots and a deprived area, could the council not have channelled some of the funds which paid for these improvements in Blackburn into this area?

ROY DAVIES, Olive Lane, Darwen.