SHAUN Woodward, Labour MP for St Helens South, has held a meeting with Geoff Brook and Steve Moore, both members of the Housing Stock Transfer team, to discuss the imminent ballot on the future of St Helens council housing.

All those living in council houses will have their say between October 1 and October 29 on whether all homes transfer from the Council's responsibility to that of Helena Housing, an independent not-for-profit Registered Social Landlord.

Mr Woodward said: "Now is the time for people to have their say. Everyone who lives in local authority housing has the chance to decide the future of their home.

"The Council has done a great job in what have sometimes been financially extremely difficult times. But a transfer of the existing housing stock to Helena Housing will lead to an unprecedented cash injection for repairs, improvements and renovation. £230 million will be spent in the coming years on making sure St Helens' housing stock offers decent accommodation for those who need it.

"Having spoken to the Housing Transfer Team, I'm confident that Helena Housing can make a real difference to the properties, and to the lives of those who live there.

"What is important is that those who can vote, do so. Now is the time to have your say in the democratic process, and decide the future of your home".