A LOOK at events, from amateur theatre to rambles through our beautiful countryside.

Blackburn Breast Care Support Group, Beardwood Hospital, Preston New Road, Blackburn, 7pm-9pm. Chat Night. (Breast care nurse in attendance).

Blackburn Fellowship for the Hard of Hearing, Ardley Centre, Bent Street, Blackburn, 7.30pm.

Hyndburn Lancashire Family History and Heraldry Society, Accrington Library, St James Street, 7.15pm. 'Policing and Crime in 19th Century Manchester,' by Duncan Broady.

North Blacburn and District Probus Club, Lammack Methodist Church, Lammack, Blackburn, 10am for 10.30am. 'A Tram Ride to Accrington,' by Jim Halsall.

Guide Association Open Evening, Rishton Methodist Church, 6.30pm-9pm.

The Rossendale Players present 'Beyond reasonable Doubt,' Millennium Theatre, Burnley Road East, Waterfoot, 7.30pm.

'Just Poems' exhibition by Blackburn poet Pam McKee, Darwen Library, Knott Street.

BARSA Advanced Driving Course, Blackburn Northern Sports Club, Pleckgate Road, Blackburn, 8pm. Week Two: Application of the System of Car Control.

Ladies Over 50s Club, The Sparrowhawk Hostel, Burnley, from noon.

Yoga with Julie, White Ash School, Thwaites Road, Oswaldtwistle, 7pm-8.30pm.

Colne Dramatic Society present 'Elsie and Norm's Macbeth' The Little Theatre, River Street, Colne, 7.30pm.

'Cooking With Elvis,' Charter Theatre, Preston, 7.30pm. For adults only.

Friends In Bereavement, Training and Development Centre, Burnley General Hospital, 7pm. 'Victorian Lancashire' with Mrs K Fishwick.

Alan Barnes with The Tommy Melville Quartet, Rhythm Station, Rawtenstall, 8.30pm.

Charles Tiplady Exhibition, Blackburn Museum, Museum Street. Until November 17.

Beadwork Exhibition, Coffee Shop and Embroidery Centre, The Old Toll House, 1-5 Parson Lane, Clitheroe, 9.30am-5pm.

Exhibition of Photographs by Sally Hall, Arts Centre, High Street, Garstang, 10am-noon and 1pm-4pm.

Line Dancing, Guide Conservative Club, School Lane, Guide, 7.30pm-10.30pm.

Free Computer Training, Daisyfield Centre, Blackburn. Details: 01254 53724.

After School Club for four to 11-year-olds, Burnley Boys Club, 3pm-6pm.

Trevor's Quiz Night, White Lion, Burnley Road, Rawtenstall, 9.30pm.

Breast Is Best Society (BIBS) Coffee Morning, the Stables, Russia Street, Accrington, 1pm-2.30pm. New members welcome.

Children's Street Dance Class, Sanderson Dance and Fitness Centre, 10 Churchill Way, Lomeshaye Industrial Estate, Nelson, 5pm-6pm.

Hippings Vale Artists, Harvey Street Community Centre, Oswaldtwistle, 9.30am-noon and 1.30pm-4pm.

Disco and Quiz Night, Thatch and Thistle, Surrey Road, Nelson.

Great Harwood Male Voice Choir Rehearsals, Antley Methodist Church, Accrington, 7.15pm-9.30pm.

Sequence Dancing, Silverman Hall, Nelson, 7.30pm.

Bingo, The Collinson Club, Harvey Street, Oswaldtwistle, 1.45pm-4pm.

Mental Health Support Group, 9.30am-11.30am; Senior Social Club, 1pm-3pm; Smarties Parent and Toddler, 1pm-3pm; Junior Youth Club (age eight to 11), 3.45pm-5.30pm; Exercise Class, 6pm-7pm; Senior Youth Club, 7pm-9pm, Darwen Community Centre, Knott Street, Darwen.

Tea Dances (easy sequence), Accrington Town Hall, 1.30pm-4pm.

WI Market, lower hall of Clitheroe Parish Church, 10.30am-11.45am.

Self-Help Support Groups, WISH Centre, 25 Cardwell Place, Blackburn, 10am-3pm.

Line Dancing (beginners and intermediates), Mellor Village Hall, 6.30pm-8pm.

Aromatherapy, reflexology, facial and beauty treatments, Ageing Well Centre, Age Concern, 4 King Street, Blackburn, 10am-3pm.

Group for anyone with addiction problems, THOMAS project, St Annes House, France Street, Blackburn, 2.30pm.

Luncheon Club, 12 noon; OAP Club, 2pm-3pm, Derwent Hall, George Street, Darwen.

Sequence Dancing, Padiham Town Hall, 1.30pm.

Line Dancing, Beechwood Club, Little Harwood, Blackburn, 7pm.

Sequence Dancing, Senior Citizens Club, St Paul's Church, Audley, Blackburn, 1.45pm-3.45pm. New members welcome.

Social Bridge, Whalley Village Hall, 7pm.

Volunteer Drop-In, New Era Centre, Paradise Street, Accrington, 10am-2pm.