I WISH to express my sadness and condolences to the American people over the recent senseless, evil crime carried out against their nation.

I served in World War Two and recall the sacrifices made by the US armed forces who fought so courageously and unflinchingly so that freedom would prevail.

But I would venture an answer to the question being asked in complete bewilderment by many Americans, "why do they hate us?" and derive no pleasure in relating it

The people of Cuba will long remember the 30-year US embargo against Cuba which the UN has condemned as illegal on three occasions.

The Nicaraguan people will remember that the USA supported the Contras there, resulting in a protracted struggle which that small country could ill afford in wealth and lives. Likewise, the war in El Salvador with support for the 'baddies' by America.

Then there's the American intervention in Vietnam and the use of napalm and chemical weapons and the infamous 'Calley' massacre of women and children there.

Grenada and Panama have suffered invasion by America and since the end of the conflict in Iraq, areas of Iraq are periodically bombed for a variety of reasons while sanctions deprive the population of essential goods and medical supplies.

Arab people consider that American policy is less than even handed between the Israelis and the Palestinians. All this does not excuse the appalling atrocity of September 11, but can be seen as perhaps a determining part as to why it was carried out.

ALBERT MORRIS, Clement View, Nelson.