PLANS to create a new 16-bedroom residential home at Langho are set to get the green light.

Ribble Valley Borough Council's planning and development committee is recommended to approve the replacement of the existing Denholme, Kemple View Residential Home, Longsight Road, Langho, with a new modern building.

The original unit, with the approved extension, will have 16 bedrooms on the first floor and various clinical rooms, dining rooms, and lounge areas on the ground floor, and will blend in with the recently constructed occupational therapy building.

Kemple View, a private hospital, provides specialist psychiatric services, including rehabilitating patients who have been referred by the courts.

The site, which forms part of the Langho Colony, is made up of various detached units located near to The Dales and The Rydings residential areas.

One resident has objected to the scheme, expressing concerns over an increase in traffic, which would be a potential danger to children who play on the nearby football fields.

The objector also expresses "the fear of overlooking and observation from people in adjacent buildings" and requests that the committee visit the site before making a decision.

In his report to the committee, planning officer John Macholc says there is no "significant harm" to nearby residential properties, as the original Denholme building is far enough away not to have an impact.

He adds that there would be no significant traffic increase as a result of the scheme.