MOIST cafe bar in Blackburn has been officially named as Utopia's warm up venue for Wednesday nights.

The Northgate bar has transferred its student night to tie in with this amalgamation and it is hoped by both parties that this will help to keep the fun in Blackburn.

Tickets for Utopia after midnight normally cost £4 which has left Moist drinkers clock-watching to leave in enough time to avoid the queues, but a new deal beginning tomorrow means that Moist customers can purchase a £3 ticket which also allows them to skip the queue.

The extra time will mean that there is more chance to enjoy special promotions such as three for one offers and after drinkers can move onto the Lord Square club.

Andy Appleton, manager of Utopia, said: "Although the two places are seen as competition it makes sense to join up for this and keep it in the community."

"Blackburn is traditionally a party town and although it is good now we want to get back to the way it used to be which was even better."

Flyers and posters are to be distributed in both venues as well as at the college sites and students will soon receive all the latest information from Moist by e-mail.

If the bar does not have your details yet you can log onto to ensure you don't miss out.