A DOCTOR from East Lancashire has taken a medical team to India to perform a series of vital operations.

Anaesthetist George Teturswamy, who works at Blackburn Infirmary and is a member of the Blackburn Rotary Club, has taken nurses and specialist surgeons from Yorkshire to the Methodist Foundation Hospital in Mysore to carry out cleft palate and cleft lip repair operations.

Members of Blackburn Rotary Club recently held an evening of choral music to help raise funds for the visit.

Mr Teturswamy hopes to perform up to 30 operations on children who would otherwise not be able to have surgery.

He has made several similar visits over the past six years.

Fellow Rotary Club member John Singleton said: "It is a very comprehensive scheme which he has organised and I understand he wants to make it an annual event so that he can follow up the cases.

"He gave a talk to the club and we were amazed at the results of the operations.

"I know he is very keen on his work and the trip is completely voluntary.

"He does need funds to pay for the nurses' fares to India, though."

All three Blackburn Rotary Clubs -- Blackburn, Blackburn West and Blackburn Borough -- are supporting the concert.

The concert of choral music was held at the Centenaries Theatre in Stonyhurst College on Saturday.