I RECENTLY attended Bury Magistrates Court. I was there because in December last year my car was run into whilst parked.

The driver concerned in the incident left the scene, but there was a witness. The police took my statement and that of the witness, as a consequence of which the man apparently admitted his guilt. Months later he withdrew that admission. He did not have a leg to stand on, you might think. The verdict? Not guilty!

The reason was a technicality, raised by his defence counsel. Nobody had produced his registration document at the time of the trial and the fact that the police would not have been able to trace the driver without it seems to have been overlooked.

I had no assistance in preparing my case, unlike the driver who was protected and helped to the utmost.

I am thousands of pounds out of pocket. My insurance will go through the roof, the police and my witness wasted their time and all for what? The driver gets off scot-free and his solicitor gets his legal-aid fee.

They say that what goes round, comes around. I hope so.

Better still, I hereby summons Bury Magistrates Court for aiding and abetting. Think I'll get anywhere?


Bury Old Road,
