POLICE inspector Tracie O'Gara was praised this week for her work at Darwen.

Inspector O'Gara is to take up a new post in Blackburn and her successor is to be Insp Graham Ashcroft.

At the Blackburn with Darwen police authority community meeting, Coun Dave Smith, of Sunnyhurst Ward said: "I for one I'm sorry to see Tracie go - she has done a first-class job."

Tracie said: "I've had a good time but it's not just me that's responsible for the work being done and the team at Darwen will continue the good work that's been set up."

Supt Dave Mallaby, of Blackburn police said: "We celebrate Tracie's success and wish her well."

Insp Ashcroft takes up his post on November 5.