SOME months ago when Twin Valley Homes took over Blackburn with Darwen's Council houses the directors and tenant directors promised brighter future and better homes.

However, the tenant directors are not there to represent tenants at all. For in Issue No. 2 of Twin Valley's "Homes Matter" it is stated: "Tenant Directors have to sign a Code of Governance to confirm that they will only act in the best interests of the company, irrespective of their personal views or the views of those they represent."

How, therefore, can these six tenant directors represent anything at all -- excepting the sometimes ill-considered views of a company that is so far off target with both normal day-to-day repairs and its first five-year plan?

Dealing with this company any day of the week is like finding your way through a maze, for many tenants get no further than the receptionist.

Tenant Directors should quickly look to their duty and represent the tenants' views, which they were told would be paramount when they first sought election.

P NEWTON (Mr), Ashworth Close, Blackburn.