IT'S happened before and, with all the advanced weapon technology of today, the US Air Force still cannot get it right.

In November 1942, moving forward from El Alamein, 8th Army HQ (advanced HQ), nearly a mile behind our front line, was bombed in broad daylight by USAAF Mitchell bombers showing the American Star emblem under their wings.

Our planes showed the red, white and blue roundels under their wings and, at that time, had no Mitchells, only American Bostons.

This resulted with fatalities and serious injuries to Allied personnel. It was a blessing that Monty was with our main 8th Army HQ at the time.

Then again, in the Gulf War, USAAF again bombed a British troop carrier with many left dead.

So this called precision bombing is still faulty, as the recent news from Afganistan now shows.

Is this not the time to stop the bombing before more Afgan civilians are killed and all the Islamic nations of the world turn against us as America's lackey?

Ron Yates (8th Army veteran),

Longridge Road,

