AN executive from Sellafield nuclear power station is to be the guest speaker at a public meeting this month.

Colin Partington, principal safety officer at Sellafield Nuclear Power Station, will be addressing the concerns of local people at the latest Friday forum meeting at Nazareth Unitarian Chapel, Knight Hill, Padiham.

Colin will be addressing the fears about safety at the site, and sorting fact from fiction, in the wake of the attacks on America.

Rev Dr David Usher, who organised the meeting, said: "Colin will be giving a very candid presentation." This year the chapel has adopted the environment as the topic for the forum."

"We had planned the meeting before September 11, but he dos plan to talk about and reassure us in the wake of the attacks on America. He is going to try and dispel some of the wilder speculation and be very candid about the risks and dangers."

The forum is open to the public, and tickets are £3. The talk starts at 7.30pm. For more information ring the chapel on 01282 773184.