IN response to Mr N Holt's attitude towards the "orange badge holder" (Letters, November 8), I am disabled and a non-driver and when I go shopping, like him, I often find that disabled badge holders are in the "mother and child" places on car parks.

The reason is simple - people like me are a "minority" and major companies prove this with the lack of disabled car parking facilities.

I would like Mr Holt to tell orange badge holders where there are "rows upon rows" of these car parking facilities.

There is absolute disregard for respect and if one sat in a disabled car parking place, it would be plain to see. People, regardless of ability, abuse all the designated places designed to help people.

Unlike Mr Holt, I do not judge a book by its cover. The "bad back brigade" are a group that suffer from spinal problems beyond comprehension and medical evidence will support their right to all the benefits and entitlements.

MARI THOMPSON (Mrs), Thorn Hill Close, Blackburn.