A PACKED and roaring Opera House proved that Bottom was top in Blackpool! Fans of the cult television show, starring Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall as Eddie and Rich, were treated to a memorable one-nighter of hilarious slapstick violence, rude behaviour and general mayhem.

In fact, everything for which they are famous (and infamous).

With no explanation, our two larger-than-life heroes began the evening in a bright jungle set. An exploding parrot, escaped pig and several unscripted laughs later and we knew we were seeing Bottom at its best.

The second half was set in some kind of domed chamber into which Eddie and Rich plummeted from two slides. Less comedy violence and more cerebral joking filled the second half, which ended almost inexplicably with the catchy dance routine Get Your Pants Off!

Of course it was rude. Of course loads of people would probably be horrified, or at best offended. Hecklers were swiftly dealt with. The audience came in for some stick and Ade and Rik even ridiculed themselves.

But it was one of the funniest nights out Blackpool has offered for ages -- and it certainly puts bums on seats.