WHEN Radcliffe had its own council it got things done, but now we are under Bury Council they do not want to know. What do we pay our council taxes for?

I went to a Labour surgery in May to ask what was happening to Hutchinson's Goit since East Lancs Paper Mill closed, and the councillors said they would let us know. That was five months ago. This is why Radcliffe is in such a mess; nothing gets done.

In June, my wife and a neighbour telephoned environmental health six times to complain about fly-tipping in Hutchinson's Goit, including 45-gallon drums and broken pallets. Are the council waiting for an accident?

This waste and rubbish reduces the water flow, which causes flooding in nearby gardens, at Radcliffe Hall School and Bury Hospice. This first happened in 1991 and has continued to happen since.

People who complain about Bury Council are absolutely correct.