GOING off his remarks in "Wonderful world of hindsight" (Letters, November 14), I take it that Neil Farras does not want to live in 'Lib Dem' land and would rather live in 'Labour I-don't-care-about-you' land.

But he doesn't seem to live in the same borough as me. He says that if Lib Dems were in charge we would be overrun with asylum seekers in this country

So can I ask him how many asylum seekers have we in Darwen and how many people have had to move out of public sector houses on Two Gates and Ellenshaw estates after being told that they were being knocked down and then, surprise, surprise, a family of asylum seekers move in?

How many houses in the Darwen area, such as Olive Lane, are being renovated to accommodate asylum seekers and at what cost to the taxpayer?

Hindsight or the lack of it does not seem to be associated just with the Lib Dems, does it? Because that day's issue reported that £1.9million in council tax had not yet been collected by Blackburn with Darwen Council, run by the same party and in many cases the same councillors who wrote off £1million debts in council tax and uncollected rent.

Councillor Gail Barton says they just don't close the book at the end of the financial year and will get the money back, but the books were closed last year, weren't they?

Over to you, Neil. Who would live in a borough like this? The clues are there.

ROY DAVIES, Olive Lane, Darwen.