THERE has been significant media attention directed towards Burnley Wood's problems recently, especially regarding the housing situation. One pressing and challenging nuisance is the littering of back yards.

Why should families who care for their neighbourhood have to live near such squalor?

Local councillors and Biffa are doing all they can, yet no sooner are the yards emptied then the culprits fill them with every variety of waste all over the again.

One or two landlords are, to put it mildly, not pulling their weight. Considering the compensation they will get when some of these properties are demolished, more must be expected of them in terms of clearing and securing these backyards. We might well need measures from national government to vet these, often absentee, landlords and demand higher standards in terms of repairs and so on.

Similar vetting is needed regarding tenants. Houses are often let to rootless youngsters with no stake in the community and often with drug problems. Between them, the negligent landlord and the bad tenant systematically abuse the surrounding environment.

Urban renewal is not merely about resources and legislation. There are Burnley Wooders who have crusaded personally against this blight raising the matter with the taskforce, Biffa and councillors. However, while significant numbers of selfish people continue to turn our streets into dumps, overstretched services will find it difficult to cope.

We desperately need partnership between caring citizens, willing to stand to participate in the common goal of renewing our community, working alongside the council and the relevant agencies.

Without meaningful partnership, Burnley Wood's security and its capacity to sustain a healthy environment in which to nuture work and family life will look increasingly bleak.

TONY DAVIS (Liberal Democrat Candidate for Rosehill), Constable Avenue, Burnley.