READERS Letters pages are always popular; whether we contribute or just read them.

Occasionally there is a letter of such profound significance that it not only makes you stop and think but actually changes your view of the world.

Such a letter was that from Reg and Rene Bauckham. It expressed not only a wisdom that was beyond question, but it was also done with disarmimg humility.

It was a privilege to both read and learn from it. What a contrast with the self-centred, beat us all over the head pedantry on the same page from Ray Hill and Richard Newman-Thompson.

And yet if we are to learn anything from Reg and Rene it must be for all of us to bear with fortitude the meandering polemic of Ray and Richard, but I for one hope they stop soon. Reg and Rene I salute you!

Barry Bell

Croft Ave Slyne