THE Clitheroe group of the Ramblers Association has voted against plans to change its name to include the wider area covered by its members.

Proposals were put forward at the group's AGM to change it to the Ribble Valley group or the Clitheroe and Ribble Valley group, but both ideas were defeated by narrow majorities.

A spokesperson for the group said: "The name change could have been a potentially historic moment for the group.

"To change it to the Ribble Valley group would have more accurately encompassed the area covered by our members, but it was decided to stick with the original title."

Members at the AGM also expressed their delight at the lifting of foot and mouth restrictions in the area and at being able to take part in their favourite walks again in 2002.

Chairman John Whitehead said the group had kept their spirits high and had sought alternative places to walk, away from farm land, such as along beaches and canal sides, and had even seen membership numbers rise over the year, the only group in the area to do so.

He particularly thanked Fred Edwards, the group's access officer, for his work in preparing the release of maps by the Countryside Agency as part of the implementation of the new Right to Roam Act.

These maps can be viewed at Clitheroe Library and Ribble Valley Borough Council chambers.

Secretary Ben Brown said that on average, weekend walks had been less than well attended, but the number of people supporting the Tuesday walks had increased.

And he told members that due to a lack of interest, Wednesday evening 'B' walks wold be discontinued, but a trial of short walks on Wednesday afternoons would be introduced next autumn.