LANCASHIRE County Council has announced the appointment of three independent members of the Standards Committee.

The committee, set up in 1999 to promote high standards of conduct by members and co-opted members of the authority, will also advise the authority on the code of conduct for members and co-opted members.

It is made up of seven councillors and three independent members. The vacancies were advertised in the Press and the three appointments formally approved by a meeting of the full county council. They are:

Brian Booth who lives in Fulwood and has been reappointed as the chairman of the county council's Standards Committee. He has been an independent member of the committee since 1999. He is the current chairman of the Preston Accute Hospitals Trust and holds a number of directorships.

Heather Massie who lives in Ramsbottom and is a Senior Civil Servant, serving in HM Customs and Excise.

Christine Rice lives in Rufford and previously held a senior post at West Lancashire District Council. She has also been a governor of a West Lancashire comprehensive school.