BUSINESSES in East Lancashire could be throwing millions of pounds down the drain -- literally.

However, Groundwork Blackburn -- part of a public-private partnership designed to help improve industrial Britain's environment -- says it has come up with a recession-busting formula to help companies save money.

One Darwen company which Groundwork helped has just saved over £42,000 a year on water use. "Water is just one aspect of environmental management, so if you consider waste and energy it must translate into millions of pounds lost to local businesses," said Stewart Wade at the Groundwork Environment Centre in Bolton Road. "If being 'green' is good for individual organisations, imagine the collective impact on the economy of the region if more go for the correct environmental standards.

"In the current climate of recession in manufacturing it could give East Lancashire the edge it needs."

Organisations practising environmental management can make significant efficiency savings, he added. For instance, waste products can be turned into saleable items, and reduced insurance premiums, increased land value and improved staff morale can also be added to the list of benefits.

Apart from profitability, there are legislative reasons to be interested in the environment. Pressure from the public has meant a growth in legislation, which is set to become tighter in the future.

Breaches of legislation risk unlimited fines and imprisonment in the higher courts and fines of up to £20,000 from magistrates. And the bad publicity could even put a company out of business.

The regulators can visit without warning, but environmental management can help avoid all this 'angry' red tape.

Said Mr Wade: "If you don't know where to start, Groundwork provides practical support, including environmental management systems, audits, reviews, training and advice concerning environmental legislation.

"Grant funding also reduces the costs, which can soon be recouped."

Groundwork is the nation's leading independent environmental public and private partnership, and is committed to getting businesses and communities involved in clean-up action. The proceeds from its environmental services go into local projects.

"Groundwork's success in delivering hope and opportunity and breathing new life into our most deprived communities is a real bonus for the public and businesses alike," Mr Wade added.

He can be contacted at the Groundwork Environment Centre on 01254 669022; fax 01254 682288; e-mail