BURGLARS have targeted 14 homes stealing thousands of pounds worth of cash and property.

Most of the raids involved the burglars trying doors of homes and finding them unlocked.

Police have issued warnings to home-owners to keep their doors locked.

Det Sgt Mick Dagger ,of Chorley CID, said: "We have spiralling crime in Chorley.

"The best way that people can help the police is to keep their property secure, so please lock your doors while in.

"There are a number of witness accounts of boys aged 11-12 years in close proximity to where these crimes took place.

"If you see anybody matching this description acting suspiciously in drive ways or at rear gardens then challenge them and contact the police so we can try and have an effect."

DS Dagger added that there was other crime in Chorley which needed investigating but at the moment all their time was been taken up with investigating burglaries.

Anyone who has information on the crimes should contact Chorley police on 01257 269021.