ALTHOUGH Guide Dogs want the new year to begin with a big bang, we are appealing for sensible use of fireworks to avoid frightening dogs.

Whereas partygoers may revel in the loud bangs and explosions, fireworks can be a nightmare for animals.

Many such dogs are so terrified of the loud noise that they have to be sedated during the festive period. Some are unable to work for days at a time. Worse, some are even forced into early retirement and never recover from the trauma of misused fireworks that explode at close range.

Guide dogs occupy a crucial place in the lives of blind or partially sighted people. Currently nearly 5,000 guide dog owners enjoy the freedom and independence they provide, but for many, the use of fireworks throughout the year has become a real problem.

We are appealing to everyone who is letting off fireworks to act responsibly and be sensitive to the effect that sudden noises can have on animals.

GERALDINE PEACOCK, Chief Executive, Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, Burghfield Common, Reading, Berks.