IF motorists think they are having it rough with the alterations to Blackburn town centre, then they should try being pedestrians.

For months now, pedestrians have had to put up with uneven footpaths, junctions that leave them at serious risk to oncoming traffic and diversions that add hundreds of yards to their journeys.

If Councillor Ashley Whalley ventures out of his ivory tower and takes a walk around his newly-created pedestrian obstacle course he might even, at this late stage in the development, instruct his minions to take serious consideration of the needs of those of us who prefer to walk.

I would recommend that they pay special attention to the junctions of Church Street with Railway Road, Darwen Street's junction with George Street and Jubilee Street, Lower Audley, at its junction with Park Road, Mill Lane and Mincing Lane.

If Coun Whalley wants a real challenge, he could try crossing Higher Audley Street, Freckleton Street or Montague Street, perhaps then he would experience for himself the plight of the poor pedestrian.

L LAWES, Bold Street, Blackburn.