A YOUNG woman has become the first person in Blackburn with Darwen to benefit from a scheme which gives people needing assistance at home more independence.

Emma Knighton, of Stephen Street, Blackburn, is 21 and has severe learning disabilities.

She attends a day centre during the week and spends some weekends at short break care centres.

But now she is taking greater control of her life, thanks to a new council scheme.

Emma has signed up for direct payments, an initiative which allows people who would usually have care arranged by social services to instead get money to but their own services.

Hundreds of people could follow in her footsteps and set up their own care arrangements with support from the council.

The biggest benefit for Emma, according to her father Alan, is that she now has more independence.

He said: "The care Social Services arranged for Emma was always good, but they couldn't offer total flexibility.

"The direct payments scheme means now she can choose exactly how she wants to live her life -- what she wants to do, when and who with -- like other young women her age."

The council has appointed the Rowan Organisation to provide the support for people who take up direct payments.