A TODMORDEN regeneration scheme is celebrating a £400,000 windfall -- and is looking for help to spend it.

Todmorden Together provides grants for community based initiatives that will improve the local area. The group have been told that there is £200,000 available until March 2002 and a further £202,000 until the same time next year. The money was allocated by the Government under their Single Regeneration Budget.

The grants are awarded to groups who contribute to making Todmorden a more attractive place in which to bring up families, while at the same time maintaining existing investment and attracting new.

Past beneficiaries have included a school after club, voluntary organisations, construction projects -- all of which have been local.

If Todmorden Together fails to spend the £402,000 by March 2003, the money will be returned to the Treasury and lost to Tod. It would also make it less likely that the town would attract Government money in the future. They therefore need community groups to come forward and apply for money.

Chair of the group Ruth Goldthorpe said: "Anyone who thinks they might meet our criteria should get in touch with us.

"There is a lot of money available, and as long as they qualify, money will be awarded.

"It is extremely important for Todmorden. We haven't had any Government money for over 20 years and it is a boost to the community."

There are three types of award available to groups these are; training grants, small grants and local improvement budgets. As well as improving the environment of Todmorden, the training grants available mean the the scheme has the potential to take people out of unemployment.

Todmorden Together can be contacted at their office in Todmorden Community College, Burnley Road.

The office is open from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and can be contacted on: 01706 811101.