THE people of Colne have been making the most of new technology available at their local library by sending New Year wishes free of charge.

Colne Library now has 20 computers installed and on-line, 18 of which are available just to library members and two express machines for anyone to use.

Members of the public can simply ring the library and book a computer for two hours and it won't cost them a penny.

Christine Bradley, of Colne Reference Library, said: "People have been going on the internet, e-mailing their relatives abroad and word processing. It has got very busy after the New Year and, on Saturday, there were 18 of the computers full all day.

"It is also good for family history.

"One lady has been e-mailing abroad in Japanese and under 16s can go on if accompanied by an adult, so they have been playing Harry Potter Hogwart games on them."